Betekenis van:
sexual activity

sexual activity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • paringsdaad; geslachtsgemeenschap; omgang met iemand; het paren; geslachtsgemeenschap; seks; coïtus; geslachtsgemeenschap; paring
  • activities associated with sexual intercourse





  1. Address health determinants to promote and improve physical and mental health, creating supportive environments for healthy lifestyles and preventing disease; take action on key factors such as nutrition and physical activity and sexual health, and on addiction-related determinants such as tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs and pharmaceuticals used improperly, focusing on key settings such as education and the workplace, and across the life cycle.
  2. The mechanism established by this Framework Decision aims at inter alia ensuring that a person convicted of a sexual offence against children should no longer, where the criminal record of that person in the convicting Member State contains such conviction and, if imposed and entered in the criminal record, a disqualification arising from it, be able to conceal this conviction or disqualification with a view to performing professional activity related to supervision of children in another Member State.